Software Testing Life Cycle

Software Testing Life Cycle

1. Requirement Analysis

To  check if requirements are testable


  • Identify types of tests that should be done
  • Gather details about testing priorities and focus
  • Prepare RTM -Requirement Traceability Matrix
  • Identify testing environment details
  • Automation feasibility analysis 
  • RTM
  • Automation Feasibility Report
2. Test Planning

Test manager determines cost and effort estimates and determine test strategy

  • Preparation of test plan/strategy document for various types of testing
  • Test tool selection
  • Test effort estimation
  • Resource planning and determining roles and responsibilities.
  • Training requirement


  • Test plan
  • Effort estimation Document

3. Test case development

Test team prepare test case, scripts, data and team-lead review

  • Create test cases, automation scripts 
  • Review and baseline test cases and scripts
  • Create test data (If Test Environment is available)
  • Test cases/scripts
  • Test data
4) Test Environment Set up

  • Understand and prepare hardware and software requirement list for the Test Environment.
  • Setup test Environment and test data
  • Perform smoke test on the build for the readiness check
  • Environment ready with test data set up
  • Smoke Test Results.
5) Test Execution

  • Testers carry out tests as per the plan
  • Document test results and log defects for failed cases (Identified bugs will be reported back to development team)
  • Map defects to test cases in RTM
  • Retest the Defect fixes
  • Track the defects to closure
  • Completed RTM with the execution status
  • Test cases updated with results
  • Defect reports
 6) Test Cycle Closure

  • Evaluate cycle completion criteria 
  • Prepare test metrics based on the above parameters.
  • Document the learning out of the project
  • Prepare Test closure report
  • Test result analysis to find out the defect distribution by type and severity.
  • Test Closure report
  • Test metrics


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